
Hey Kai Ryssdal! Why Don’t I Have A Job?

I have great friends and a fantastic relationship with my family. I talk with these people all the time. But if there’s one additional guiding voice in my day-to-day, it’s that of Kai Ryssdal, host of American Public Media’s (not NPR!) Marketplace and co-host of my favorite podcast, Make Me Smart. I listen to Kai…

The Best Coffee In Richmond: Early Bird Biscuit Company

From an old-timey counter service storefront in the heart of The Fan, Early Bird Biscuit Co isn’t messing around. Coffee-wise, they’re one of many local establishments that brew Blanchards (See Nate’s Bagels for other highlights), and they offer a full range of wildly affordable espresso drinks – but it’s not the coffee that makes them…

The Best Coffee in Richmond: Idle Hands

Is it wrong to write an entire restaurant review around the quality of the dogs that stop by while you’re enjoying a flakey sourdough pastry? Most places, the answer would be yes. But there’s something about the block of Strawberry Street where Idle Hands is located that seems to bring out the best in both…

The Best Coffee In Richmond: Nate’s Bagels

Nate’s Bagels doesn’t bother with espresso drinks and they don’t brew their own special blend of coffee. But that’s because every person behind the counter is either making bagels fresh or serving up one of the hundreds of sandwiches they put out every day. Plus, that does mean you have both an activity and a…

The Best Coffee In Richmond: Sub Rosa

There are a bunch of places to get breakfast in Richmond, many of which boast quality pastries and delicious coffee. Few, however, achieve the level established by Church Hill bakery Sub Rosa. Sub Rosa is, first and foremost, a very tasty bakery. The establishment churns out a wide range of pastries and breads from its…

What is a million views worth?

On May 31st of last year I recorded a video of myself spreading sour cream and smoked salmon on an incredibly crunchy rye cracker and posted it on Tik Tok. It’s not a great video, but it quickly garnered around a hundred views and hooked me on the concept of internet cooking videos. Since then,…

Millennials V Generation Z: the Batman Vs Superman of conflicts

 For the last 20-30 years the dominant narrative coming out of the completely moronic “what generation is best” fight has been between the Baby Boomers and Millennials. We all know the arguments – Boomer ruined the planet, Millennials are lazy and only eat avocado toast, Gen Xers don’t actually exist. They’re all dumb, and they…

Reactions Verses Reality in Seattle’s CHAZ

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is once again in the national news, after a shooting late Friday night left one person dead and another in critical condition. For both hardline supporters and detractors of the movement this incident served as further proof of the necessity of the positions they are advocating – some CHAZ…

Uncertainty surrounding CHAZ forces Community Lunch to leave

Seattle, Wa. Community Lunch on Capitol Hill is an institution. The organization, which runs a program dedicated to providing meals to anyone in need, has been helping those experiencing homelessness or food insecurity since it first opened its doors in 1985. Until this week Community Lunch had been operating out of the Central Lutheran Church…


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